Protein Tech

Tosoh : TSKgel FcR-IIIA-NPR


Adalah kolom kromatografi afinitas pertama di dunia untuk pengerjaan analisis tingkat tinggi, yang dikemas dengan substrat polimer non-berpori yang bersifat hidrofilik, yang mana menggunakan Human FcRIIIA Recombinant. Sehingga memungkinkan untuk mengenali rantai karbohidrat dari antibodi Fc dan untuk memisahkan antibodi berdasarkan aktivitas.

● It is possible to recognize the N-linked sugar chain structure of the antibody Fc region and separate the antibody based on ADCC activity.
● It is the world’s first affinity chromatography column for high performance analysis.
● Recombinant human FcγRIIIA is used as a ligand. The stability is improved compared with the natural type.
● It is possible to separate antibody molecules directly.
● There is no need for refining.
● Separation in a short time is possible (30 minutes).
Main target substance · Application
○ Antibody ○ Fc fusion protein
● Screening cell lines
● Optimizing culture conditions
● Upstream production process management
● Product lot management


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